Central Dredging Association

Understanding dredging

Who are we, what do we do and how can you be part of that?

If you are a young professional involved in dredging related work, or a student thinking of making a career of it, Young CEDA is the place for you - We represent youthful CEDA members all over the world and give them easy access to a unique network of young professionals in the field of dredging, representing research institutes, universities, industry, governmental authorities and consultants. Young CEDA provides members with plenty of opportunities to exchange ideas, gain new technical insights, and expand networks with valuable new contacts to enhance their careers. 

Our mission

Young CEDA is dedicated to creating a platform for young members to express and present themselves whilst allowing for the opportunity to interact with older or more experienced fellow dredging enthusiasts and colleagues.

Young CEDA actively participates in the organization of the CEDA Dredging Days, seminars and national meetings but also organizes its own activities. Above all, Young CEDA helps to carry out the CEDA mission and objectives and is an ambassador for the dredging profession in general.

And finally Young CEDA members aim to have fun!!

Young CEDA Commission

Young CEDA’s activities are planned and implemented by members of the Young CEDA Commission, an international group of enthusiastic young professionals from various fields such as contractors, consultants, shipbuilders, ports or government. Their diverse background ensures to promote the varied interests of Young CEDA members in a balanced way.

Tell us what you think

We’d like to hear your thoughts on what Young CEDA can do to help you as a young professional. The Young CEDA Commission has a powerful voice within CEDA and we encourage our members to use it.